Industrial Automation Equipment
Rotary Indexers
Rotary motion equipment and products assist with device indexing. Indexing is the starting and stopping of a device in precise intervals at precise locations. CAMCO cam-operated rotary indexers move a wide variety of products and components with precision.
Larger E-Series indexers can rotate several tons of automotive body parts in seconds while smaller Parallel and Roller Gear indexing drives accurately index pharmaceutical or electronic components in milliseconds.
Rotary Index Drives offer:
- Controlled acceleration and decelerations
- Smooth motion
- Preloaded for no backlash
- Quick settling time in the dwell position
- Capacity for high loads and high speeds
- Repeatable, accurate positioning
- Shaft or flange output
- CAMCO Rotary Index Drives have a known displacement-time relationship and known power requirements, and require little or no maintenance.

Precision Conveyors
The DE-STA-CO family of Precision Conveyors for the specialty automation industry enables designers and engineers to conceptualize, cost, design, build and deliver automation systems quickly. For products ranging from automotive components to medical devices, these advanced conveyors are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for positioning accuracy and station-to-station index times.

Linear and Rotary Parts Handlers
When precise parts handling and pick-and-place capabilities are part of your automated system application, turn to CAMCO parts handlers for the ideal Rotary or Linear configuration. No matter what your system demands—high speed, high load, high capacity—these CAMCO parts handlers deliver consistently reliable precision.

CAMCO Custom Cams
Cam Design & Manufacturing
CAMCO’s Custom Cam design and manufacturing services serve as an economical alternative to “in house” cam design, engineering and manufacturing. Backed by over 50 years of experience, we offer cams in a comprehensive range of configurations, tolerances, and materials.Custom Cams
Expert Design and Inspection
Our designers employ the most advanced technology available for detailed kinematic studies and dynamic analysis. In addition to common dimensional inspection, we perform computerized contour measurement with sophisticated, unique inspection instruments.
Manufacturing Precision and Quality
Our commitment to applied engineering allows us to respond quickly to complicated manufacturing problems with specialized solutions that are precise, economical and engineered to your exacting specifications. Alternative materials, milling, and grinding techniques are explored to provide the best solution for your application at the most economical price.