Flow Dynamics


Among the world’s elite flow calibration facilities, the Badger Meter Flow Dynamics primary and secondary standard calibration laboratories, located in Scottsdale, AZ, calibrate most flow meters from any manufacturer. The Flow Dynamics primary standard calibration facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, offers superior liquid and gas calibration uncertainties, as documented by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), Lab Code 200668-0, Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and NIST Handbook 150.

Flow Dynamics Calibration Test Stand

The calibration results delivered by the Flow Dynamics primary standard facility are the highest achievable in the industry. These calibrations are sought after by test and measurement and industrial process companies, as well as automotive and aircraft industry leaders. Secondary standards are used when flow ranges, pressures and hazardous gases cannot be met with  primary standards. Fluid blending is achieved by mixing solvent with oil to the desired viscosity. This technique is also used to develop Universal Viscosity Curves for varying temperature applications.

Thousands of customers in test and measurement, industrial process, custody transfer, and aerospace/automotiveb industries trust Flow Dynamics to meet their precision calibration requirements. Flow Dynamics provides accredited calibration data sheets, comprehensive meter historical data, annual reminders, and a 7-day standard turnaround, with expedites upon request. UVC calibrations may take longer due to the custom blending of fluids.
*Note: NVLAP accreditation applies only to the Badger Meter Flow Dynamics calibration Lab, located in Scottsdale, AZ (Lab Code 200668-0).